
A List Of Great Ideas For Writing US History Essays

Creating a top-level history essay about the U.S. can be a hard task if you don’t have a particular idea in mind. Some students spend more time brainstorming for their topics than writing their assignments. To save your time and avoid procrastination, select one of the thought-provoking suggestions for your paper provided below or use an online topic generator.

Prompts for Composing an Interesting Essay on US History

  1. The Russian explorations of the Pacific coastal regions in the U.S. in the 18th century.
  2. The reasons for the American Revolutionary War for independence: was it
  3. inevitable?
  4. Becoming America: the growth of the 13 colonies.
  5. The history of slavery: the expansion of slavery in Georgia in the 18th century.
  6. The California Gold Rush: fortune vs. good judgment.
  7. The end of the Apache War: the truth about Geronimo.
  8. Elaboration of the two-party political system in the USA: the causes of the conflict between the Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians and its consequences.
  9. What is the “McKinley’s tariff” of 1890?
  10. The Great Depression: economic problems and a social crisis.
  11. The successes and failures of the Roosevelt’s New Deal.
  12. The American expeditionary force in World War I.
  13. Using nuclear weapons in war: bombing Japan in 1945.
  14. The story of Pearl Harbor: prolog to the Pacific War.
  15. The progress of the government in the “War on Drugs” in 1986.
  16. The effects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the civil society in the U.S.
  17. The history of religion in the U.S.: the American style.
  18. Rural realities: the crisis on the family farms in the 20th century.
  19. The common currents of American imperialism.
  20. Eleanor Roosevelt: the role of a Presidential wife on the political arena.
  21. The successes and failures of American diplomacy in the beginning of the 21st century.

Employing an Online Essay Topic Idea Generator

  1. Use your search engine to find such a generator on the website of a writing center or a trusted educational resource.
  2. If you have a notion, enter a few keywords, click on a “Search” button to see sample essay topics, and pick one of the prompts that arouses your interest.
  3. If you don’t have an idea where to start, go to the topic generator, select a history subject area, and get some suggestions.
  4. To narrow down a chosen idea, explore books, articles, and other documents related to the subject area.
  5. If you can't come up with the idea of great topic, consider getting academic writing help and order your essay online cheap and easily.